The Saviour we want: A Laymans plea

Marvellous Omotosho
2 min readJan 13, 2023


Oh Lord, we know you

You have done so much in times past

We have read the Bible and learnt of your goodness

We worship and love you because you are God

And in hopes that you will always be good to us

As you promised in the scriptures

And we will praise you for the rest of our days

Oh Lord, why do you let good things happen to bad people?

Why uplift the undeserving?

Why do you keep blessing the rich and leaving the poor to their fate?

Good things should only be to those who worship you

Curse those who don’t

Why would you let our loved ones die?

Why do you let innocent children suffer?

Are you really up there?

Oh Lord, be the saviour we want

Save the children. Let no evil happen to them

Serve immediate punishment to the evil

Reward and bless the good

Please have mercy on us when we falter

Let us live long and die old

Oh, if you were Superman, what a wonderful world it would be

Rainbows and unicorns, peace and tranquillity, milk and honey


He is God all by himself, does as he pleases and does not follow moral canons.


— Marvellous Omotosho



Marvellous Omotosho
Marvellous Omotosho

Written by Marvellous Omotosho

Shower thoughts | Research | Poetry

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